What is the quickest way to lose weight?
For this questions, you found the right blog to ask, me myself was quite a fat person, note the word "was". Now, i am 180 cm tall and i weight about 65kg!!!!
the fastest way to lose weight is long distance running.
Trust me, running is all that matters. start with running a short distance, 1.6km, that is only 4 rounds around a 400 metre track.
In order to reduce your weight and not be tired out, do it on alternate days, e.g, for me, i run on moday, wednesday and friday.
Each run only takes about half an hour, most of the time, it takes even lesser time.
Run for about 2-3 weeks and you can increase the distance to 2.4 km, do that for another 2-3 weeks and increase the distance further to 4.5km. Keep doing it and eventually you will have to hit the 10km mark. For normal runners like you and me, 10km takes about 1 hour to complete, for those that are really fit, they can hit 50minutes per 10km, but we are not so hardcore, so 1 hour and 10 minutes for 10km is farly ok for us.
The thing you need to remember is that you need to drink LOTS of water, more than eight cups of water a day, definately alot more!!!!!!!
And seriously, start with something easy, short distances, do not try to straight away go into a 10km run, it will kill you. If you still want to do a 10km run, then do treat it as a run, a healthy person shold be able to WALK 10km in 2 .5 hour, so walking is also good for reducing your weight.
One more thing that is very important, run the whole distance at a constant pace and for us who are only trying to reduce out weight, no need to run too fast. This is because if we work our muscles too hard, the fats would actually become muscles instead to going away.
One last thing, the first run is always a hard run, it willing be tiring, you will feel like shit and the next day you wake up your whole body will be aching like mad and if you push yourself too hard, you might jus get muscle cramps. BUT, DO NOT STOP RUNNING, you are feeling the ache because running causes the body mucsle cells to respire anaerobically and aerobically which produces metabolic wastes that cause the aches. The only way to remove the aches fast is to take a jog for the blood to carry the waste materials away!!!!!
Trust me, just run to reduce your weight, there is no better way.
if you find the infomation useful, please introduce this website to all of your friends, if possible, tell the whole world!!!!! help make the world a world with less questions.
I have actually heard many times that running then walking for an equal time and repeating the process is more effective that just running. I personally can't do the run thing for long anyway cos I have asthma lol So the run/walk works for me.
erm, this is the first time i heard about it, thanks for the information, i will do some research and when the information is scientifically proven, i will ad those to this post, thnaks alot!!!!
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